The adaptation trials of blueberry varieties at different altitudes are carried out by expert academics in its fields. In order to increase the resistance to winter cold in blueberries, varieties that always show a high level of cold resistance can be included, considering the cold in the region. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the winter cold well, to know the dates of late spring frosts and early autumn frosts, and to reveal the possibility of frost in the spring. Success in blueberry farming starts with a project prepared by technical staff, in which all conditions are evaluated, continues with the technical support of expert academics, and requires production in large areas. In line with your demands, all the factors of the region where you will be cultivation are examined and we offer you our consultancy service in choosing the right species.
The cultivation of blueberry, which does not have wild forms in Turkey’s natural flora, is new for our country, and the first plants were brought to Turkey by academics who carried out research in this field in the 2000s, and this plant, which is called ‘blueberry’, became widespread in the Black Sea Region.
- In-vitro plantlets
- 30 cm high tube plants
- Rooted steel
- Pot plants
Blueberries are being replicated by steel in general. As steel type, foremost is used solid wood, half wood and soft wood steels. On the other hand vaccine, insemination, dipping, with rooted shoots, with rhizomes, which are under soil bodies, or tissue culture can be used for replication too. Solid wood or half wood steels can only be rooted in materials which are good drained but whose moisture holding capacity is high. Peat soil and vermiculate (or coarse sand) mixed in a avarage of 1:1 can be used for rooting the steel too. The prepared mixture have to be filled 1 week before the rooting into the herefore used pads, pans or beds.