Cranberry is a grapy kind of fruit with a pungent taste, it is round, red colored and from the briar race like the blueberries. The plant is showing surface covering feature with its invasive arms and the fruits and vertical shoots are growing on these, it is a evergreen plant. It is growing in water, but it doesn’t like airless water. The fruits can be reaped in the dry or in water. The ideal ground for cranberry is rotten water filled pits in marsh areas. Wild growing types of the cranberry as the symbol of peace and friendship could be found marsh land or muddy areas, on water’s edge or on parts of plateaus with low drainage, meadow areas. Cranberry can be cultivated on marsh-carvy land or in handmade sand-peat pans.The german and netherlandish immigrants have, after their immigrantion to America, named this plant, because of the look of its blossoms, which are reminding the jowl, head and beak of a crane, as craneberry, in time this word got shorten to cranberry. In the years of 2000 Prof. Dr. Huseyin Celik brought this grapy kind of fruit to Turkey and named it Turnayemisi (Turna turkish for Crane), and the cultivating of it started in Rize, Trabzon and Samsun.
The cranberry takes importance in the culture of family health and beauty in America and Canada, its high vitamin contend helps decreasing the blood sugar, it is used for antibiotic effect at urinary tract infection and mouth-dental health. The cranberry saves the body with its rich phenolic substances well known as antioxidants against bacteries. The cranberry which is setting against some cancer types, aging, oral and dental diseases, hear diseases and ulser, could be specified by medical as antibacterial and diuretic. The cranberry which prevents bed wetting and bladder contraction is also preventing loss of appetite, eliminate diarrhea, eliminate gout, prevents kidney and pelvic inflammation, set against rheumatism, eliminates lack of ascorbic acid and spring fatigue, improves intern oral inflammations, set against stomach and duodenum ulser, prevents hardening of the arteries and sore throats. The oil of its cores contends a lot of omega-3. The cranberry prevents especially the damages of the brain cells, protects the brain against neural damages and decreases the risk of stroke.
Cranberry is a grapy kind of fruit with a pungent taste, it is round, red colored and from the briar race like the blueberries. The plant is showing surface covering feature with its invasive arms and the fruits and vertical shoots are growing on these, it is a evergreen plant. It is growing in water, but it doesn’t like airless water. The fruits can be reaped in the dry or in water. The ideal ground for cranberry is rotten water filled pits in marsh areas. Wild growing types of the cranberry as the symbol of peace and friendship could be found marsh land or muddy areas, on water’s edge or on parts of plateaus with low drainage, meadow areas. Cranberry can be cultivated on marsh-carvy land or in handmade sand-peat pans.The german and netherlandish immigrants have, after their immigrantion to America, named this plant, because of the look of its blossoms, which are reminding the jowl, head and beak of a crane, as craneberry, in time this word got shorten to cranberry. In the years of 2000 Prof. Dr. Huseyin Celik brought this grapy kind of fruit to Turkey and named it Turnayemisi (Turna turkish for Crane), and the cultivating of it started in Rize, Trabzon and Samsun.
The cranberry is a part of Ericaceae means Echium race and it is a part of the grapy fruits group which prefers temperated climates. Like many types which are included to the Vaccinium race, it likes low pH degrees means it prefers acidic soils. The cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait) is a bushy shaped, invasive short shoots developing plant, which can live many years, it is a wooden structured, multi year, evergreen plant. The plant is growing slow. The leaves are oval, small and are growing alternating stacked on the shoots. The plant is developing exposed roots which can grow 3-8 cm deep. 4 cranberry types have been selected in the 20th century, Early Black, Howes, McFarlin and Searles, these types are representing today the base of the cranberry agriculutre. By the time of ripening of the cranberries are classified as, the early birds are Beaver, Early Black, Franklin, Stankavitch and Wilcox, mid-season (Searles, McFarlin, Stevens and Bergman) and latish (Beckwith, Pilgrim and Hoves). For agricultural cranberry gardens, acidic soils (pH 3,5-5,5, avarage pH 4,0-4,5) and a lot of clean water is needed. The cranberry show spradout on the 40°-50° latitueds on the earth and on acidic and wetland, the cultivating is spreadout in America and Canada, and the beginning of cultivating was in the 18th century.
Today the cranberry is contended to the same basic consume fruits like apples or oranges. In the last year Poland, Austria, Germany, Russia and Turkey have started tryings for cultivating. In Turkey’s east Balcksea region (Rize, Trabzon, Ordu, Giresun) it is cultivated for dry reap in acidic soil and in the middle to west Blacksea region, it has been started to be cultivated for wet reap in restricted paddy areas
The important 5 rules for agriculturing cranberries can be listed as follows; pH degree 4,0-4,5 acidic soil (can grow in soils until pH 6,0 soil), lime free sand, for blasting and for agriculture in wet systems, good and clean water, the knowledge of the local climatal conditions, the weed control and the control of diseases.
The organic subtances in the soil of cranberries has to have a minimum contend of 3,5%, milt-clay 3% and the rest has to be sand. For the industrial cultivating of the cranberry on wetland, the wetlands have to be surrounded by high sets, in the shape of rectangles, and it should be confirm with a size that business machines can work in it and it should be low coded pans.